JERICHO ECHO - No. 36, Oct 1996

Jericho Echo

The Jericho Echo was the community newspaper. It was published over two periods:
July 79 to Aug 88 (issues 01 to 35)
Oct 95 to July 14 (issues 33 to 75)
(note the overlap in issue numbers)

Read all of issue 36 as a PDF file.

For for the second period, the main articles can be read from the links below. Echo articles from this period also form part of the Jericho Online news archive.

Church Tower presents a fresh face

Restoring St Barnabas

Blanc’s neighbours see red

No doubt about Jericho's most controversial new business opening. The arrival of Le Petit Blanc in Walton Street in June attracted national media attention - along with anger from startled neighbours.

No 1 King Street

Former grain store

Jericho by numbers

Figures from the 1991 Census paint an interesting picture of Jericho. Compared with the rest of Oxford we have more adults living on their own, a smaller proportion of children and fewer cars.

Caring for the canal

British Waterways is certainly doing much more to take canal users into account - and has set up a Canal Consultative Forum for representatives of various community and other interest groups.

Living memories ... St. Giles Fair

Reminiscences recorded as part of an adult education class in Jericho.