JERICHO ECHO - No. 56, Sep 2004

Jericho Echo

The Jericho Echo was the community newspaper. It was published over two periods:
July 79 to Aug 88 (issues 01 to 35)
Oct 95 to July 14 (issues 33 to 75)
(note the overlap in issue numbers)

Read all of issue 56 as a PDF file.

For for the second period, the main articles can be read from the links below. Echo articles from this period also form part of the Jericho Online news archive.

St Barnabas floored

Church out of action for six months for major repairs - and a strange discovery

New health centre

New services

Lucy’s plan gets the green light

Lucy’s have been granted planning permission for the redevelopment of the Eagle Iron Works site.

Yet more flats from Lucy’s

Juxone street insert

Bellway go to appeal

Bellway Homes have lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate following the City Council’s resounding refusal of planning permission for development of the land behind St Barnabas Church.

Lucy’s plan resurfaces

Redevelopment of the Eagle Iron Works