Councillors’ Report

Pavement and recreation

June 1986

Since the last issue of the Echo, a new councillor. Chris Barnes. has been elected to Join the West Ward team. Chris is Vice-Chair of the Recreation committee and a member of the Housing committee. and Joins City Councillors John Power (Chair of Health & Environmental Control, member of Planning, Personnel. and Estates committees) and Phyllis Starkey (Chair of Highways & Traffic, and member of Public Affairs cdmittee) on the City Council. and Eva Barnes the West Ward County Councillor. Councillors will be meeting shortly with the Jericho Residents Association and council officers from the planning and engineer's departments to discuss several local issues including, possible sites for bicycle racks, road safety and planning matters. If any resident has views on these issues, please contact your councillors. Roads and pavements throughout Jericho have been repaired over the last few months, as part of the City Council's maintenance programme. Potholes still appear however, and can be very dangerous, especially for cyclists. Please let us know of any new potholes, or contact the City Engineer at the Town Hall (tel:249811 ) .

This article appeared in Jericho Echo No 29, July 1986.