Medley Boat Station

Encroachment on Port Meadow

December 1984

The Oxford Times of 9th December leads with a story of threats and vandalism against Mr Crittenden personally, and the Medley Boat Station by a group calling themselves Port Meadow Angry Brigade. Who the devil are they and what do they think they are going to achieve by this stupid boasting? 'I'll huff and I'll puff till I blow your house down?' This is no Play School story. The real facts are: What we are up against is an attempt to gain possession of Common Land by a private firm. It's big business. Mr Crittenden is trying to get retroactive planning permission for his encroachments on to Port Meadow over the years to consolidate his business.

The City Council, having bungled earlier attempts to check this abuse, is prepared to do a deal and give him what he wants in return for a promise not to do it again. Local, and ,national protest by conservancy and legal bodies has been powerful enough to get the Minister for the Environment to hold a Public Enquiry in 1985. The Wolvercote Commoners are leading the protest and are appealing for funds to pay for proper legal representation at the enquiry. The Jericho Residents' Association, at its recent Annual General Meeting, supported this appeal to Save Port Meadow, and we hope you will give to the collectors. We also hope you will let the Angry Brigade show-offs know what you think of them. Neither the Jericho Residents' Association nor the Wolvercote Commoners will have any truck

This article appeared in Jericho Echo No 25, Dec 1984.