Cooperative proliferation

The Coop will occupy two of the three shop units on the left

Another Coop for Walton Street

Posted - December 04, 2011
The redevelopment at Walton Street and Little Clarendon Street is going to include in two of the Walton Street units a new supermarket. Not, as some had feared, a Tesco but another Coop. Two in the same street? The Coop says “We have traded in Jericho for many years with a busy convenience store. Our intention is to widen the offer to our customers and members and provide additional facilities for local people as well as creating job opportunities for people in the area.”
Coop in Walton StreetJericho already has a Coop in Walton Street
The Walton Street Coop is certainly popular and has very helpful staff. But it is also the most expensive in Oxford. Not only does it charge 20% more for milk and eggs than Tesco or Sainsbury, it is also 5% more expensive on most items than even the Coop in Summertown. In the new store presumably the prices will be equally high. Why are we being charged more? A spokesperson for the Midcounties Co-operative responded: “Our pricing team continually review the prices offered by other retailers so as to provide competitive prices across a range of standard shopping.”

Did you know?

The origins of Walton?

Walton is derived from "wall town" which was used centuries ago to indicate a location outside the Oxford city walls. The ancient manor of Walton was certainly in existence before the Norman conquest in 1066.

What St Barnabas Church cost to build?

Thomas Combe the Superin­tendent of OUP and it was he who commissioned and paid for the construc­tion of the church in 1869 at a cost of £6,492. All the interior fittings were provided for about £900. The campanile was erected in 1872 for £800.