Arts in Jericho

Since the days of the pre-Raphaelites, Jericho has been a focal point for artistic activity - for painters, writers and more recently TV production.

Phoenix still flying high
Share your memories
<p>May 1913 — Nervous commissionaire waits for Jericho kids at the Saturday matinee</p>
Jun 03 2012
Opening the heart of Jericho
Clare Cochrane reports on her project to stimulate Jericho stories and memories
Clare Cochrane with Ted Harris of Combe Road, always a mine of Jericho information.
Dec 03 2011

Jericho through the looking glass
Links with Lewis Carroll
Tenniel's original illustration of the Mad Hatter's tea party in Alice in Wonderland
May 02 2010
Big bang in Nelson Street
Explosive production
Nov 03 2007

The Bohemian Republic of Jericho
Philip Pullman on a place made to human measure.
<p>Lyra aboard a canal boat</p>
Jun 02 2006
Making memories
Cine record of the evolution of Jericho
Portrait of the artist. Behind Jim Wright, looking up Jericho Street in the early 1960s, is what was then Tomes’ grocery store (now flats). “They sold everything there, but you had to chase out the rats”.
Sep 03 2005

Exploring Lyra’s Jericho
Lucy Sholl talks to Philip Pullman who uses Jericho as a setting in his series of best-selling fantasy novels
Lyra on a canal boat
Jun 02 2004
Inspector Morse in Jericho
Lucy Sholl recalls Combe Road’s starring role in the historic TV series.
Kevin Whately (Sergeant Lewis, left) and John Thaw (Inspector Morse, centre) during the filming of The Dead of Jericho.
Jun 02 2003

In Jericho
A poem
Jan 05 2003
Thomas Hardy in Jericho
Clement Shaw on Jericho's role in Jude the Obscure
Thomas Hardy
Jun 05 2002

A new face for the Phoenix
After months shrouded in scaffolding, the Phoenix has finally re-emerged.
Phoenix Picture House in 1998
Nov 01 1998
Jericho churns out the write stuff
Writing is one of Jericho's growth industries. As well as having one of the world's most famous publishers we also have more than our share of authors.
Jan 02 1996

Did you know?

Where the name Jericho comes from?

The name Jericho is probably taken from the parable of the Good Samaritan. Traditionally the name was given to places where travellers who arrived after the town gates had closed at sunset could find lodgings overnight.

Margaret Thatcher used to live here?

In her Oxford days, she lived at 12 Richmond Road. It is alleged she shared the house with two red-hot communists who lived on a diet of sausages. This may account for her later views on socialists and known dislike of sausages.


Jericho Films at the Phoenix
Wed 26 Feb - 6.00 pm
Phoenix Cinema