Conditions of room hire

The room hirer agrees to the following terms and conditions

  1. One-off room hire - Payment - The Hirer agrees to pay the room hire rate no less than seven days prior to the day of hire agreed. Refuse - The Hirer must bring refuse sacks and remove all litter. Sacks may not be left outside the centre.
  2. Parties - Members of the JCA can hire the cafe and ground floor for parties for a reduced party rate. Membership of the JCA is free and not restricted to Jericho residents. To join now please CLICK HERE - Payment - The Hirer agrees to pay the party rate, plus the deposit, no less than seven days prior to the day of hire agreed. Refuse - The Hirer must bring refuse sacks and remove all litter. Sacks may not be left outside the centre. The deposit will be refunded if the room is vacated in a clean and orderly state ready for the next user.
  3. Regular room hire - Payment - For a room booked on a monthly or weekly basis, the Hirer agrees to pay the monthly invoice by BACS transfer within 30 days. If the Hirer is in arrears the Association reserves the right to allocate the room or rooms to other users.
  4. Number of people - The Hirer undertakes to make certain that no more than 30 persons shall be present at any time in the ground floor hall, or the first floor hall or the Café.
  5. Noise - The Hirer agrees to be considerate towards residents neighbouring the community centre and to avoid making excessive noise. Use of the café does not involve using the pavement outside the café, other than for entry or exit’
  6. Music - External doors and windows should remain closed when the premises are being used for the performance or production of live or recorded music or where such music or any public address system is used in connection with any activity of the Hirer. Noise emanating from the community centre shall not exceed 40dB (A) as measured at one metre from any external facade of any habitable dwelling.
  7. Vacating the room - The Hirer must vacate the room and building at the time specified, closing all windows and switching off all lights and heating that have been turned on during the event.
  8. Disturbance - At all times, but particularly at the end of an event, special care must be taken not to cause disturbance outside the building, e.g. shouting goodbye or slamming car doors. Cars must leave quietly. The Association shall hire the services of a police officer if and when the need arises and any charges so incurred shall be the sole responsibility of the Hirer.
  9. Damage - Any loss or damage to fixtures, fittings or property of the JCA must be reported to the Administrator as soon as reasonably possible. The hirer agrees to indemnify the JCA in respect of any such loss or damage (fair wear and tear excepted) and any such indemnity will not be limited to the deposit already paid.
  10. Food - Any food preparation carried out on the premises must be undertaken by a qualified person who has a Food Hygiene Certificate. He or she must read and abide by the Jericho Community Centre Food Safety Management System. This is also posted on the cafe wall. .
  11. Alcohol - No alcohol may be sold for consumption on or off the premises. Hirers may bring alcohol for an event, but they are not permitted to sell it.
  12. Fire Safety - For the rooms which are hired, the Hirer is responsible for fire safety. This includes ensuring that all electrical equipment is checked for any fire risk. The The Hirer should ensure that the person in charge is familiar with the Fire Action signs which explain what to do in the event of a fire.
  13. Safeguarding, health and safety and equality - The Hirer agrees to be bound by the following JCA policies which should be read from the following links:
    1. Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
    2. Health and Safety
    3. Equalities and diversity.
  14. Risk assessment - Before using the building, hirers must carry out a risk assessment - to alert organizers and users to potential risks and how to control them. Hirers are responsible for carrying these out, but for guidance we have offered two documents below. The first is a simple ‘risk assessment starter’. The second offers more detailed guidance.

    Risk Assessment starter
    Five steps to risk assessment

  15. General safety -The Hirer is responsible for checking that the premises are in a suitable condition prior to using them. The Hirer is solely responsible for the well being and safety of the users and occupiers of the premises hired out under the terms of this agreement and will indemnify JCA for all loss and damage and personal injury arising from and during use by the Hirer, however caused. The Hirer will instruct users in the safe evacuation of the building in an emergency.
  16. Responsible person - The person making the booking shall be responsible for such indemnity provided for in the previous paragraph, both in his/her personal capacity and on behalf of the organisation he/she represents. If the Hirer or his/her invitees are found to be in serious breach of the terms of this agreement the JCA reserves the right to terminate the use of the room hired immediately.
  17. Cancellation - The Hirer has the right to cancel this agreement on giving no less than seven days notice to JCA and will receive a full refund of any monies paid. Similarly, if the hirer has book the room on wishes to cancel specific days he/she will give seven days notice. Otherwise the Hirer will be charged for the use of the room.In the event that JCA is unable to provide the room booked under this agreement all possible steps will be taken to provide an alternative room. If it is impossible to accommodate the Hirer, JCA reserve the right either to offer an alternative date, or cancel and refund all monies paid under this agreement. The Hirer acknowledges that the JCA will not be responsible for any losses, financial or otherwise which the Hirer may suffer as a result of cancellation in accordance with this clause.

Did you know?

Cranham Street used to be a blot on the city

Before Grantham House was built, the site became notoriously derelict, making Cranham Street according to the local press a ‘blot on the city’ – wrecked by local children, and a refuge for rats and for ‘layabouts sleeping off the drink’ who were repeatedly evicted by the police.

How religious we are?

In the 2001 Census, some 50% of Jericho residents said they were Christian, 2.2% Muslim, 1.9% Buddhist and 1.2% professed other religions, while 34% of people said they had no religion. In Oxford as a whole the proportion with no religion was 24%.


Jericho Films at the Phoenix
Wed 26 Feb - 6.00 pm
Phoenix Cinema