Make a payment

Please choose from the options below

When you click on 'Pay now' you will be taken to the Paypal site. If you do not have a Paypal account, choose the option to Checkout -- Pay with debit or credit card. Please choose the 'quantity' of hours you are paying for.

Ground floor hall per hour £13.50 Pay now
First floor hall per hour £15.50 Pay now
Cafe per hour £14.50 Pay now
Party - Family + deposit £100.00 Pay now
Party - Children’s + deposit £66.00 Pay now

Parties -- The party rate is only available to members of the Jericho Community Association. Membership is free, and not restricted to Jericho residents. You can join now, by clicking here.

For parties, we require a deposit of £20, which is returned if users clean up properly afterwards. You can pay the deposit now using the 'Party + deposit' option above, in which case it will be returned to the account from which you paid. Or if you prefer, you can post £20 in notes through the secure community centre letterbox - labelling the envelope with your name.