Vandalism at the church

Loss of orb and staff

November 2007

During the summer a thief stole from St Barnabas one of the churchwardens’ staves – a long wooden staff topped by a handsome brass orb and cross. Before long, however, the brass orb was handed in at the vicarage. Did the thief have an attack of conscience, or perhaps he thought it was gold and lost interest when he found out it wasn’t. Or did a disapproving relation or friend sneak it away from him or persuade him to return it? Whatever the reason, the church is glad to have it back. The wooden staff also reappeared, in this case in the churchyard -- broken at the top but fortunately repairable. In the late summer there was also vandalism in the churchyard. Vandals took things from two burial places. One was that of the mother of our former vicar, Father Michael. She had celebrated her hundredth birthday in 2001. The other was that of an ex-serviceman who had fought in World War II.

Author: Helen Brock

This article appeared in Jericho Echo No 63, Nov 2007.