Our popular Saturday morning cafe is running again
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Local artist Mike England holds life drawing classes at the community centre.
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At eight o'clock on the evening of Tuesday, the seventh of October 1980, the huge congregation assembled in St. Barnabas' Church were called to their feet by a trumpet fanfare and a procession began filling the church's south aisle as father Michael Wright's Institution and Induction as Vicar of the Parish of St. Barnabas and St. Paul had begun.
Our new vicar is no stranger either to this parish or to the City and University of Oxford. In 1947 he came up to Magdalen College School as a chorister then, after completing his National Service, he came up to what is now St. Catherine's College, to read history. There followed a post-graduate course in Theology under John Austin Baker and David Jenkins, respectively then chaplains of Corpus Christi and Queens Colleges. Father Michael's training was completed at the Oxford Diocesan Seminary at Cuddesdon, between 1962-64 under Robert Runcie who is now Archbishop of Canterbury.
Father Michael served his title under Father Carpenter at St. Andrew's, Willesdon Green, before moving to become chaplain of St. Anne's High School, Nassau, in The Bahamas. From Nassau Fr. Michael became vicar of St. Stephen's, Lewisham, South London, from whence he comes to join us.
Fr. Michael, who lived in Jericho as an undergraduate in 1958 maintains the long tradition of the link between our parish and Nassau. Fr. Addington Venables, who was assistant curate to Fr. Hackman at St. Paul's in 1834 went on to become Bishop of Nassau and it was he would gave a large sum of money for the building of the (old) St. Barnabas School, while the present, and first black, bishop of Nassau, Michael Eldon, was a sub-deacon in our parish during his days at St. Stephen's House. The experience gained in Nassau proved invaluable to Fr. Michael in Lewisham and those who attended the service on 7th October could not fail to notice that a coach from Lewisham was full of West Indian faces, totally representative of the parish Fr. Michael had left.
The needs of Jericho have a different emphasis to that of true community relations work, in a Christian setting, which obtained in Lewisham. However from the unsolicited testimonials we heard at the party following the Induction we felt certain that those who were entrusted to chose our parish's spiritual leader had chosen well indeed. It is up to us to give freely the support Fr. Michael requires.
Author: Geoffrey H. Gunn