Our popular Saturday morning cafe is running again
More information...The main purpose of the Pantry is to make food that would otherwise be thrown away accessible to people who live locally who can make use of it.
More information...Explore your creativity -- all levels welcome.
Local artist Mike England holds life drawing classes at the community centre.
More information...The JCA represents residents on local issues, organizes events, and runs the community centre. Membership is FREE.
More information...NEWS ITEM
Many Jericho residents dislike the crossing at George Street, Hythe Bridge Street and Worcester Street. It is particularly hazardous for cyclists, and for pedestrians who become impatient with the lights and are tempted to jaywalk.
Over recent years there have been a number of changes in the layout hoping to make the crossing easier and safer to use. All seem to have fallen short in one way or another and the one currently operating is no different.
The new layout will separate the junction into two streams of traffic, Worcester Street (north) and Hythe Bridge Street will operate together whilst George Street and Worcester Street (south) will work separately. Improvements will also be made to cater for the safe movements of both pedestrians and cyclists through and around the junction.
The pedestrian crossings will retained, but in this simplified layout, pedestrians using them only have to expect vehicles coming from one direction.
The works will start on Monday 10 February and are expected to last for up to 7 weeks. They will include minor carriageway widening, traffic islands (to separate the junction) and signals works.
Meanwhile the debate on the closure of Walton Street continues. This includes petitions both for and against the proposals.
The ‘for’ group are Don’t Choke Jericho whose petition can be signed here
The ‘against’ group are Jericho Connections whose petition can be signed here
However the critical place to make your views known is the consultation on the County Council website—Click Here
The public consultation will close on May 29.
Meanwhile the Walton Street closure will also be discussed at the Jericho Community Association AGM on March 16 at 7.30 pm at Cohen Quad, Exeter College. Walton Street.
On a lighter note, residents of Walton Street have noted the arrival of a sparrowhawk, a bird not seen for more than 20 years. Maybe significant, maybe not….....