Companion voices

Oxford’s New Literary Magazine…

JCA Notices

The cafe is back

Our popular Saturday morning cafe is running again

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Jericho Pantry

The main purpose of the Pantry is to make food that would otherwise be thrown away accessible to people who live locally who can make use of it.

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Life drawing classes

Explore your creativity -- all levels welcome. 

Local artist Mike England holds life drawing classes at the community centre.

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Join your local association

The JCA represents residents on local issues, organizes events, and runs the community centre. Membership is FREE.

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Sing for your lunch

Steph and choir prepare for a concert at St Barnabas Church

Jericho Singers start a mid-day choir

Posted - May 12, 2017
One of our most successful community groups is the Jericho Choir, led by Steph Pirrie. The choir now has a around 100 members and has had some remarkable concerts, which have raised thousands of pounds for the Jericho Wharf project. Now the seemingly inexhaustible Steph has started a lunchtime choir. There are still places, so here's your chance to exercise those vocal chords. No need to read music. CSteph Pirrie, teaches everything by ear. Bring your own lunch. Tea and coffee is provided! Wednesdays, 12-2 pm, St Barnabas Church. To register, just click HERE. A recent concert featured Robert Peston as soloist singing Bohemian Rhapsody.
More information from the Jericho Singers website.