Beatrice, who lived in Cranham Street, died on 11 November 2022. Beatrice moved to Oxford in 1988 to Talbot Road in North Oxford and became a key member of their community, and eventually chairperson of the North Oxford Association. She also soon had a link with Jericho, teaching Hebrew at the Oxford Synagogue.
In 2010, following the death of her husband, Beatrice moved to Jericho, and luckily (for me) became my nextdoor neighbour. I took the picture above on her doorstep in November 2011. In Jericho too, she soon became a popular and very active member of our community, and regular helper at Jericho events such as the Street Fair
Beatrice was a good friend, forever with a cheerful smile and often offering me recommendations on current affairs websites and newlsetters. And always ready with my key when I locked myself out. Beatrice was a keen gardener and maintained a spectacular display of flowers that put my own efforts to shame. Her roses bloom on.
At her funeral in Wolvercote cemetary, on November 15, and later at the Synagogue, Beatrice's life was celebrated by her family and friends. Her friend Pearl McNulty gave the following eulogy, which she has kindly shared with us.
Peter Stalker
Beatrice Lucas
I first met Beatrice in Langside, Glasgow in the spring of 1966. She was expecting her first child and looked radiant wearing a Black Watch Scottish tartan dress.
Beatrice often talked of her nursing memories in Glasgow where she trained. Her practical and very special human skills were much needed as she met the raw humanity of that city all those years ago. She even went on “flying doctor” missions, and described how she flew out to the Hebridean Isle of Tiree, where the small air ambulance landed on the desolate, pristine white sands. This enabled her to attend urgent maternity cases.
Her wide and varied nursing experience served her well, and while in Sheffield, she was invited to teach on the newly introduced Nursing Degree Course. Beatrice was at the forefront of innovation, and was given the opportunity to travel to Manchester one day a week for a year, in order to learn new and valuable computer skills.
After Sheffield, Beatrice went on to work at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. When she finally retired, she volunteered at the local North Oxford Community Centre, passing on her own advanced computer knowledge. This experience inspired her to develop, along with a friend, a highly successful “Silver Surfers” website. Always ahead of her time, Beatrice had no intention of standing still. She volunteered generously in order to help others learn about the new technology.
Indeed, Beatrice, a dynamic individual, was the beating heart of her family. She gave enormous support to her husband, Noah, while he dedicated two years to writing his “Modern History of Israel”.
She dealt with bedtimes, children’s gatherings, birthday parties and even two exploding bottles of Perrier Water in a kitchen cupboard. No challenge was too great for her. She was the best present buyer ever. Every gift she picked to give was just perfect. We sometimes shared or exchanged coats or dresses for a special occasion- this must surely have been the ultimate sign of love and friendship.
Beatrice had a way of making everyone feel special. Parties and gatherings in her house or garden were legendary. If that wonderful, large white dining table could talk, it would have so many stories to relate from its initial journey from Glasgow to Sheffield, and finally to Talbot Road in Oxford. Whatever Beatrice did, she did well. Her family meant everything to her and she would have travelled to the ends of the earth for Sonia, Tamara and her three wonderful grandchildren.
Beatrice was no ordinary individual. Her love and commitment went well beyond the family home. She was, without realising it, dedicated to making life better for others. I can only imagine just how many people, both in Oxford, and Sheffield have been helped by her care and kindness over many years. Beatrice had so many qualities: she was kind, loving, and vivacious and had a zest for life that was truly inspirational.
What a friend, what a loss, but what a privilege, I am sure you will all agree, to have shared life’s pathway with her.
Pearl McNulty