Betty died at her flat in Venables Close on October 12, aged 80. She was born in Banbury on 3 August 1939, to a Welsh father called Owens. She married George Daniels in 1974, by which time they were living in Oxford. When he died in about 2000, she moved to Jericho, where she lived until her death .
Betty was a familiar figure in Jericho and will be much missed. She was a regular attender at the Saturday Café in the community centre and at St Barnabas Church.
The photo was taken by outside the Community Centre in July of last year when she was having a cigarette break from the cafe. Betty loved the friendly banter in the cafe and was often the first one there on Saturday mornings.
She enjoyed walking around the streets of Jericho every day, often to Ali’s Store, where the staff were endlessly kind and helpful to her. She often went to the Rickety Press, where they kindly made a cake to celebrate her 80th birthday in August of this year and watched out for her.
Unusually, she never learnt to read or write, but she managed to cope with modern life, thanks to the support of several kindly neighbours and of the City Council, since she was a Council tenant.
Funeral service on Friday November 22 at St Barnabas Church