Jericho Wharf

Artist's impression of the proposed development. To the left is the boatyard, above which is the hall of the community centre.

A remarkable community initiative

Posted - June 17, 2015
The long-derelict canalside site is the location for a community development project that will include a boatyard, a new community centre and a vibrant public square in front St Barnabas Church. The project is being managed by the Jericho Wharf Trust, which is composed of four local organizations:
  • Jericho Community Association
  • Jericho Community Boatyard
  • Jericho Living Heritage Trust
  • St Barnabas Church
For the latest information on this project please visit the
Jericho Wharf website

Did you know?

Margaret Thatcher used to live here?

In her Oxford days, she lived at 12 Richmond Road. It is alleged she shared the house with two red-hot communists who lived on a diet of sausages. This may account for her later views on socialists and known dislike of sausages.

What kind of households we have?

According the to 2011 Census, almost half of Jericho households – 46% – consisted of only one person, 24% consisted of couples with or without children, 7% were student households, and 11% were other multi-person households, while 6% were single-parent households.