Jericho St Barnabas Centre

Rooms to be let

December 1987

The Centre (on the corner o£ Cardigan and Canal Street) is YOUR CENTRE! The Victorian red brick building used to belong to the church and was designed for social and recreational purposes for members of the parish. It is now administered by the Jericho Community Association which includes all residents in Jericho, for the benefit of the community. The top floor only of the building is to be let out in January to D'Overbroeck's Tutorial College for use as classrooms. This will provide the Committee with income to maintain the rest of the building for use by us - the community of Jericho. There is a programme of activities at the Centre but plenty of space and time is available to anyone in Jericho who would like to use the building - please contact Mrs. Jan Needle on 57902 between 9-11 a.m. Monday Friday.

Author: Father Michael Wright

This article appeared in Jericho Echo No 33a, Dec 1987.