Mark Fransham of the City Council has analyzed the 2011 Census to build up a profile of Jericho. This is not quite complete since the available data areas do not exactly match what is normally considered Jericho – excluding the southern part, such as Nelson Street and Richmond Road (see map).
In 2011 this part of Jericho had a population of 1,400 residents living in 695 households. There has been little change in the total number of residents since 2001.
Compared with Oxford as a whole, a higher proportion of residents are of working age and a greater proportion of households in Jericho are occupied by a single adult of working age (34% compared with 22% in Oxford). There has been a slight decline in the number of older people in the area since the previous census in 2001.
Between 2001 and 2011, Jericho became significantly more ethnically diverse. In 2001, 26% of residents were from a non-White British ethnic group and by 2011 this had increased to 38%. There is a difference in ethnic profile between Jericho and Oxford with a greater proportion of residents of “Other White” ethnicity (23% in Jericho compared with 14% in Oxford). Language and country of birth data indicates that this “Other White” group is mainly from Europe.
The proportion of full time students living in Jericho has increased from 20% in to 26%, with 368 students counted in the area in 2011.
The majority of households in Jericho are in private rented accommodation (58%) and the proportion of those in employment travelling to work on foot or by bike is well above the city average.
The population of Jericho is well qualified and the proportion of full-time employees is above average. People employed in “higher managerial and professional occupations” in 2011 was 34% of people aged 16 to 74 compared with 21% in Oxford. Poverty rates amongst children and older people are higher than the city average.
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