Objections to Chiltern railway plans

Pollution risk

Posted - May 19, 2010
When Chiltern Railways submitted their Transport & Works Act application in January to create a new rail link between Marylebone and Oxford via Bicester, the Jericho Community Association (JCA) sent a letter of objection. While welcoming the project in broad terms, the JCA expressed concern about air pollution due to train engines, especially regarding idling at the station. The JCA was also concerned about damage to the natural environment of the canal towpath from extra walking and cycling to and from the station – as well as the general unsuitability of the route in darkness and wet weather. There were also worries about extra nuisance and distress from train noise since the new line will be closer to Jericho than the existing ones. Many individuals and community groups have also submitted objections and comments. These and other submissions will be considered in a future planning inquiry.

Did you know?

How religious we are?

In the 2001 Census, some 50% of Jericho residents said they were Christian, 2.2% Muslim, 1.9% Buddhist and 1.2% professed other religions, while 34% of people said they had no religion. In Oxford as a whole the proportion with no religion was 24%.

What St Barnabas Church cost to build?

Thomas Combe the Superin­tendent of OUP and it was he who commissioned and paid for the construc­tion of the church in 1869 at a cost of £6,492. All the interior fittings were provided for about £900. The campanile was erected in 1872 for £800.